+65 84777998 [email protected]


  • Settling in Programme (SIP)
  • Pre-Employment Training
  • Caregiver’s Training Programme
  • Employer’s Orientation Programme

Settling in Programme

All first-time FDWs have to attend the mandatory Settling-In-Programme (SIP) within the first three days of her arrival in Singapore and before being deployed to the household.

The SIP syllabus can be found on MOM’s website.

Pre-Employment Training

Training your FDW and raising her competency level is part of helping her to do well in your household. Ezer provides a stuctured in-house training programme to FDWs before they are deployed to the households.

Caregiver’s Training Programme

Ezer’s in-house structured training programme for FDWs incorporates techniques and tips to handle both elderly family members, disabled persons and infants/young children.

Employer’s Orientation Programme

Employers hiring FDWs for the first time or have changed helpers frequently (3 times and more) must attend the Employers’ Orientation Programme (EOP). The course must be completed at least 2 working days before submitting a Work Permit application.

The 3-hour programme covers the legal obligations as an employer of an FDW, roles and responsibilities, safe work environment and how to foster a good and harmonious working relationship with your FDW.

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